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Terms and conditons
- This contract is a distant contract pursuant to art. 50 and ss. of the D.Lgs. 6 september 2005, n. 206 (“Italian Code of Consumer”). The object of the Contract is the sale of movable property between Love Tiffani srl, with registered office in Civita Castellana (VT), CF and PI 02000530564 hereinafter referred to as LOVE TIFFANI SHOP and the consumer (the “Customer”). The Contract is concluded directly through the acceptance by LOVE TIFFANI SHOP of a purchase proposal issued by the Customer via the Internet, on the website, based on the methods described in article 3 below.
- These general sales conditions and, in particular, the information pursuant to art. 52 of the Consumer Code, as supplied by LOVE TIFFANI SHOP during teleshopping transmissions, repeated by telephone to the Customer and shown on the Site, will remain valid and effective until they are modified and / or supplemented by LOVE TIFFANI SHOP. Any modifications and/or integrations to the General Conditions shall be effective from the date they are published on the Store and shall apply to sales made thereon. The latest updated version of the General Conditions is the one available on the website.
- The selling prices of the products shown on the LOVE TIFFANI SHOP website are inclusive of VAT and all other taxes.
Delivery costs are indicated during teleshopping transmissions, on the LOVE TIFFANI SHOP website.
- The selling prices of the products shown on the LOVE TIFFANI SHOP website are inclusive of VAT and all other taxes.
- LOVE TIFFANI SHOP accepts the Customer’s orders within the limits of the quantities of the products requested in stock. Therefore, acceptance by LOVE TIFFANI SHOP of the purchase proposal submitted by the Customer is subject to the availability of the products in stock. LOVE TIFFANI SHOP undertakes to promptly notify the Customer of any unforeseen depletion of stocks due to excess demand or other causes.
- Customer represents and warrants that: (i) to be a consumer in accordance with the provisions of art. 3 of the Consumer Code; (ii) to be major of age 18; (iii) that the data provided by the same for the execution of the Contract are correct and truthful.